In office since January 2012: Director General, Territory Administrator, Expert-Mediator in feline and human relations.
I got the job thanks to my solid experience in the field. In fact, after having been treacherously abandoned, long months of wandering had compelled me to cover a huge territory to survive. I thought that my confidence in humans was lost forever.
When I am not at work, I spend my free time sleeping, eating and playing with the younger ones. I am affectionate, very paternal and I love teaching. I am also faithful in love and in friendship. Usually I stop everything I am doing in order to be there to welcome you.
See you soon!
In office since July 2011: General Supervisor, Chief Officer in charge of Toys Distribution and passionate anti-declawing activist.
I was only a kitten when a highly respectable lady decided, by a very hot night, that she no longer wanted me and threw me in the garbage. I was almost dead in the stiffing heat of a green bag that I had been able to tear into pieces…only to realize that I was inside a garbage can. I was saved at the last minute by someone passing by. It was such a cowardly and cruel act that I feel sorry for her. I sincerely hope that if one day the lady is disposed of in the household waste, she will also be saved...
I know every nook and cranny of the Inn better than anyone and I believe in a fair and equitable distribution of toys for all. I enjoy car rides, shredding cardboard boxes, answering when I am reprimanded and sleeping in the sun at the very top of cat trees. I am reckless, courageous and responsible.
And surely ... the most welcoming hostess! Especially if you come with a very large hand bag and let me check the content! |

In office since August 2011: Recreation Director, in charge of tunnels and cat trees and a convinced anti-pet shop activist
I was only a small fur ball when I was taken from my mama and placed for adoption at the SPCA. Black cats are more difficult to sell in pet shops, you see. Often, it seems like we're still in the days of the witches. Maman Minou was crying because she was unable to adopt all cats at the shelter. She chose me because I console her with my beautiful tenebrous eyes.
I am the fastest cat on Earth! I am also known for my acrobatic agility. I can jump like no other and I climb walls like a squirrel! You can call me a languorous dreamer. I am full of patience and prudence and I am stubborn too, like a thousand mules.
Arrivals and departures are no concern to me! So, a friendly advice: do not expect to meet me the first time you come. See you later! |
In office since December 2013: Recreation Deputy Director, Chief Moderator, in charge of the baskets, cardboard boxes and blankets.
It is full of hope that my little sister and I arrived at Mont Minou. Maman Minou was going to do everything possible to find us a good family for all our life. But she insisted that they would adopt both of us and that we would not be declawed to save the furniture. Finally, everyone fell in love with everyone and we stayed at Mont Minou.
I am very cheerful, mischievous, with a great sense of humor. I will always remain a kitten. I am a romantic dreamer full of kindness and tenderness, quiet, polite and courteous.
My sister Sofi and I, we make quite a team! Pleasure, entertainment, fun and new friends guaranteed!
In office since December 2013: Goodies Inventory Manager, Expert in feline relations and Delegate to new guests, in charge of water in the fountains and fervent anti-declawing laws defender.
Thank goodness Maman Minou has refused to let me be adopted by the lady who wanted me to be declawed! As I am polydactyl, it means that I would lose four fingers more. For nothing! Like most cats I am guaranteed "velvet paws", I never sharpen my claws any place other than cat trees and I never destroy other's property. I agree with Maman Minou that it is the parents who need to be educated.
I love to touch everything. I do really use my thumbs. They allow me to grasp things like humans do, except water. My curiosity is insatiable and I ask myself questions on the how and why of things. I love food and I am plump as a Cupid, welcoming, always in great mood and I am incredibly charming!
I cannot wait to meet you!
Esther (Maman Minou)
In office since June 2011: President, Director of customer relationships, Webmaster, in charge of feline socialization and harmonious relations, comfort and emotional well-being, Consultant and skilled worker, general maintenance.
Innkeeper for cats! It is, for sure, the most beautiful job in the world! Twenty full years at Air Canada, interior designer, artistic promoter, piano teacher, illustrator ... And of course, always cats, Mes Amours, in all corners of my life. There was no doubt in my mind that retirement was going to give me the best!
My mother always said that I was a little sunshine. Marc considers I am a fiery character. I am certainly a passionate woman full of joy of living! I believe that there is always ten solutions to a problem and I never lose my temper. I am committed, very intuitive, spontaneous and creative.
I am also very anxious to meet you! And especially to welcome your precious babies! |
Marc (Papa Minou)
In office since June 2011: Vice-President, Translator-Reviser, right-hand man for the six above-mentioned staff members, in charge of general supply and litters cleaning.
At least eight millions. That's the number of words I have translated in my 35-year career … with almost as many cats on my knees, my documents and my keyboard! Between my business activities and my numerous responsibilities at the Inn, my days are full. Fortunately, cats force me to slow down a bit.
I love life and I think it is crucial to respect it ! Esther laughs at me because I will never kill a mosquito even if it bites me! It is a matter of principle! And I am sad because humans kill so many animals each day by pure ignorance; animals could teach them so much if only they let them live!
They say I am very determined. It is true that I will fiercely protect those I love and energetically defend what I believe in. I am honest, realistic, rational, faithful, tender and romantic. And with a good sense of humour!
I am like the wife of the lieutenant Colombo ... You will never see me! Sometimes clients ask Maman Minou if I really exist…ask your cats !